Support for informed decision
Cerved Rating Agency is a registered rating agency pursuant to EU Regulation 1060/2009 and is subject to supervision by the European Securities and Markets Authority.
In accordance with current regulations, in this section the Agency provides information regarding the policies and methodologies it applies to issue and monitor credit ratings, along with notifications for transparency purposes pertaining to its businesses and any potential conflicts of interest.
Unsolicited corporate credit ratings
Solicited corporate credit ratings
Bond credit ratings
Credit ratings facilitate informed investment and financing decisions
Credit ratings must be independent, objective, reliable opinions, that foster transparency of capital markets.
They are a fundamental input towards informed decisions for investing and lending.
Cerved Rating Agency’s credit ratings enable
to expand their pool of investors and access new forms of financing
Financial Institutions
to sustain their lending processes and determine capital requirements
to assess and monitor portfolios’ risk
Credit ratings facilitate informed investment and financing decisions
Credit ratings must be independent, objective, reliable opinions, that foster transparency of capital markets.
They are a fundamental input towards informed decisions for investing and lending.

Benefits for corporates
- increase corporate transparency
- perform a self-evaluation procedure and start a growth path
- gain recognition and approval from banks, investors, suppliers and customers
- expand pool of investors and access new forms of financing
- improve terms and conditions of loans and commercial transactions
- issue bonds and other debt securities
- access emergency financing measures
Benefits for financial institutions
- sustain lending processes with independent assessments of their counterparts
- determine regulatory capital requirements
- monitor portfolio’s risk

Benefits for investors
- facilitate investment decisions with an independent assessment
- use external ratings in their investment policies
- monitor portfolio risks
- get portfolio credit risk analysis for securitizations and/or credit risk transfers